A Dream Within A Dream

Narration by Orson Welles

Shadows of shadows passing. It is now 1831, and as always, I am absorbed with a delicate thought. It is how poetry has indefinite sensations, to which end, music is an essential. Since the comprehension of sweet sound is our most indefinite conception, music when combined with a pleasurable idea is poetry. Music without the idea is simply music. Without music or an intriguing idea, colour become pallor, man becomes carcass, home becomes catacomb, and the dead are but for a moment motionless.

- Ernie Hernandez

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Contrary to the previous, the Quotation in this track is as follows. The text given above is from "Prelude."

"For my own part, I have never had a thought which I could not set down in words with even more distinctness than that which I concieved it. There is, however, a class of fancies, of exquisite delicacy, which are not thoughts, and to which as yet I have found it absolutely impossible to adapt to language. These fancies arise from the soul- alas! how rarely!- only at epochs of most intense tranquility, when the bodily and netal health are in perfection. And at those wierd points of time will the confines of the waking world blend with the world of Dreams. And so, I captured this... fancy... where all that we see, or seem, is but a dream within a dream..."

- J.A.Z.

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  1. "A Dream Within A Dream" by Edgar Allan Poe

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